Woodsman — Health

Truth About Silicon

Beard Care Education Health Tips

Truth About Silicon

When used in shampoo and other hair products (conditioners, beard oils, gels, and creams), silicone coats your hair trapping in moisture giving it a shiny appearance. However, since silicon is a coating on your hair and repels water, it is extremely hard to clean. A stronger soap is needed to clean it leaving your hair dry and brittle. That same silicone-based product must be applied to keep it looking healthy. Now we are locked into a cleaning cycle that is damaging to your hair and to your skin. The hidden truth is that the more you use, the more damage it causes and the more money we spend trying to keep the cycle going.

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Benefits Of Natural Body Wash

Education Health

Benefits Of Natural Body Wash

 When we decide to focus on our overall health, we usually start with what we eat. We decided to eat cleaner, cut out bad foods and add exercise to our daily life. Your body is no different. Synthetic ingredients have been shown to cause many health issues by being absorbed into the blood stream. The benefits to using natural soaps are endless!

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Water Is Your Lifeline

Education Health

Water Is Your Lifeline

Often over looked and dismissed, staying hydrated is essential to overall health. Water is required by every cell in your body and is vital to all body functions. This includes beard growth. A strand of hair is made up of 25% water. Hair follicles need nutrients and vitamins to produce hair. These nutrients are carried throughout the body by water. We often take being hydrated for granted by not drinking enough water. Here is why water is so crucial to your overall health. Brain Function Water makes up 70-75% of brain tissue. Studies show that dehydration alters the regulation of...

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Is My Beard Dirty? Should I Shave?

Beard Care Education Health Tips

Is My Beard Dirty? Should I Shave?

A dirty beard is nothing to be afraid of nor is it a reason to shave. A beard an carry bacteria and be unhealthy, but it all comes down to one word, Hygiene! Bad hygiene practices will leave your beard a mangy and smelly mess. Good hygiene practices will leave your beard clean, bacteria free, healthy, soft, and with a pleasant scent. Your beard is exposed to many different elements even food. Like any other part of your body, good hygiene should be practiced with regularity, the same attention needs to be applied to your beard...

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Natural Vs Synthetic Soaps

Education Health Tips

Natural Vs Synthetic Soaps

What you apply to your skin and put in your hair is absorbed into the body. Natural and organic ingredients have many benefits for your skin, hair, and the overall health. Synthetic ingredients when applied and absorbed into the body may have many harmful side effects to your skin and hair. Some ingredients found in synthetic products are toxic and can alter the chemistry of the body leading to many health issues.

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